LC: China pursues economic upgrading and 5G vision despite severe headwinds
- Categories:Industry News
- Time of issue:2022-05-11
(Summary description) 发布2021财年中国无线基础设施和宏观经济动态。到目前为止,尽管失去了关键芯片组供应和新的大规模的COVID-19封锁,但COVID-19和与5Geopolitics似乎都没有阻碍中国的崛起。LC的2021年全年分析发现,在国内消费支出和商品出口强劲的推动下,中国经济在2021年增长了8.1%。在美国,在COVID-19导致2020年收缩3.4%之后,其GDP在2021年增长了5.7%。这表明中国仍有望在2026-2028年期间超越美国成为世界上最大的经济体,因为COVID-19重置了中美之间的GDP竞赛,给了中国一个助力。 LC首席分析师Stephane Teral表示:“如果没有坚实而广泛的电信基础设施,这种经济增长将永远不会发生;由于5G是中国数字经济的关键推动力,因此迄今为止中国的5G部署保持稳定。然而,2022年开始时出现了巨大的逆风,这些逆风正在放缓中国经济并损害其5.5%的年度GDP增长计划:政府对科技、金融和辅导公司开始采取严厉措施,并收紧对房地产开发商的控制。” 自2009年的重大电信重组以来,截至2021年12月底,中国三大运营商(即中国移动、中国联通和中国电信)已经部署了996万个移动基站(包括2G/3G/4G/5G),相比2020年底时的931万,新增65万。其中,5G基站总数达到142万,相比2020年底的77万,新增65万。移动用户数超过16亿,其中5G用户接近5.5亿。 中国是孤立的且自力更生的,并将世界分为两个势力范围:东方和西方,一种地缘政治而不是地理标签上的定义。在东方,中国是唯一一个正在崛起的国家,而西方增长缓慢,但在GDP方面要大得多,拥有巨额财富和研发预算。 5G,以及很快的6G,仍然是中国经济从工业向服务业转变的核心。政府表示,5G应用案例超万个,覆盖农业、钢铁、电力、矿业等国民经济22个行业及相关领域。 受4G LTE拖累,中国RAN市场同比下降12%,但华为和中兴通讯以爱立信和诺基亚为代价,增加了自己的市场份额;2021年,它们的市场份额总和超过80%。 LC预计,2022年中国的5G表现将与去年和2020年大致相同。从中期和长期来看,LC的模型显示,中国到2026年将启动6G。
LC: China pursues economic upgrading and 5G vision despite severe headwinds
(Summary description) 发布2021财年中国无线基础设施和宏观经济动态。到目前为止,尽管失去了关键芯片组供应和新的大规模的COVID-19封锁,但COVID-19和与5Geopolitics似乎都没有阻碍中国的崛起。LC的2021年全年分析发现,在国内消费支出和商品出口强劲的推动下,中国经济在2021年增长了8.1%。在美国,在COVID-19导致2020年收缩3.4%之后,其GDP在2021年增长了5.7%。这表明中国仍有望在2026-2028年期间超越美国成为世界上最大的经济体,因为COVID-19重置了中美之间的GDP竞赛,给了中国一个助力。
LC首席分析师Stephane Teral表示:“如果没有坚实而广泛的电信基础设施,这种经济增长将永远不会发生;由于5G是中国数字经济的关键推动力,因此迄今为止中国的5G部署保持稳定。然而,2022年开始时出现了巨大的逆风,这些逆风正在放缓中国经济并损害其5.5%的年度GDP增长计划:政府对科技、金融和辅导公司开始采取严厉措施,并收紧对房地产开发商的控制。”
受4G LTE拖累,中国RAN市场同比下降12%,但华为和中兴通讯以爱立信和诺基亚为代价,增加了自己的市场份额;2021年,它们的市场份额总和超过80%。
- Categories:Industry News
- Time of issue:2022-05-11
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Release wireless infrastructure and macroeconomic trends in China for fiscal year 2021. So far, despite the loss of a critical chipset supply and a new massive COVID-19 blockade, neither COVID-19 nor 5Geopolitics seems to have hindered the rise of China. LC's full-year 2021 analysis found that China's economy grew 8.1 percent in 2021, driven by strong domestic consumer spending and goods exports. In the United States, GDP grew by 5.7% in 2021, after COVID-19 caused a 3.4% contraction in 2020. This suggests That China is still on track to overtake the US as the world's largest economy in 2026-2028, as COVID-19 resets the GDP race between China and the US, giving China a boost 25G SFP28 Duplex.
Stephane Teral, LC principal analyst, said: "This economic growth would never have happened without a solid and extensive telecommunications infrastructure; As 5G is a key driver of China's digital economy, the country's 5G deployment has so far remained stable. However, 2022 begins with big headwinds that are slowing China's economy and hurting its 5.5% annual GDP growth plan: the government is cracking down on tech, finance and tutoring companies, and tightening controls on property developers 25G SFP28 Duplex."
Since the major telecom restructuring in 2009, China's three major operators (China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom) had deployed 9.96 million mobile base stations (including 2G/3G/4G/5G) by the end of December 2021, an increase of 650,000 from 9.31 million at the end of 2020. Among them, the total number of 5G base stations reached 1.42 million, an increase of 650,000 from 770,000 at the end of 2020. There are more than 1.6 billion mobile users, including nearly 550 million 5G users 25G SFP28 Duplex.
China is isolated and self-reliant and divides the world into two spheres of influence: East and West, a definition defined by geopolitics rather than geo-labelling. In the East, China is the only country that is rising, while the West is slow growing but much bigger in TERMS of GDP, with huge wealth and r&d budgets.
5G, and soon 6G, remains central to China's shift from industry to services. According to the government, there are more than 10,000 5G applications, covering 22 industries and related sectors of the national economy, including agriculture, steel, power and mining 25G SFP28 Duplex.
The RAN market in China fell 12 per cent year-on-year, dragged down by 4G LTE, but Huawei and ZTE increased their market share at the expense of Ericsson and Nokia; In 2021, their combined market share is more than 80%.
LC expects China's 5G performance in 2022 to be roughly the same as last year and 2020. In the medium and long term, LC's models suggest That China will launch 6G by 2026 25G SFP28 Duplex.
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New products | Sunstar announced: 50G PON three-mode combo OLT miniaturized optical device for SFP and QSFP packages
With the popularization of gigabit broadband, 10G PON has entered the stage of large-scale deployment. At the same time, the industry is also laying out 50G PON to prepare for the 10-gigabit era. Compared with 10G PON, the 50G PON standard provides five times more access bandwidth and better service support capabilities (large bandwidth, low latency, and high reliability). At the same time, for operators, the biggest problem facing the commercial use of 50G PON is the problem of multi-generation coexistence. ITU-T standards provide different options for the differentiated deployment of global operators. GPON region, G.9804.1 Amd2 and G.9805 offer 2 classes /5 options; EPON area, provides 2 types /4 options. From this point of view, multi-generation coexistence is an inevitable choice in the continuous evolution of the next generation PON. Sunstar Communication Technology Co.,Ltd.released 50G PON three-mode Combo OLT miniaturized optical device, which is MPM (built-in combined wave) 3-generation wave division mode coexistence, that is, G/XG(S)/50G three-mode MPM. The advantage of this solution is that the traditional gateway devices can be reused without changing or upgrading the user side, and the upgrade process can be optimized, equipment occupation and equipment room space can be saved, and energy consumption can be reduced. This three-mode Combo OLT miniaturized optical device uses a novel optical path design and a miniaturized TO-CAN package solution, and uses the technology accumulation and quality control of Sunstar Company in the field of coaxial packaging for many years, combining precision manufacturing, multi-wavelength spectrographic design and various types of TO-CAN package technology perfectly together. The 50G PON three-mode Combo OLT compact optical device of Sunstar Company is characterized by small size, high coupling efficiency, high structural reliability and strong manufacturability in mass production. The most critical is that its optimized optical path design and special packaging process ensure the upstream three-wavelength splitting, especially the isolation index of 50G PON upstream wavelength and GPON upstream wavelength, that is, the isolation degree of 1286±2nm and 1310±20nm edge wavelength; And take into account the high coupling efficiency of the downgoing three-way emitting laser to ensure the best output optical power index. This optical device is fully suitable for SFP and QSFP module packages, helping the access network to smoothly evolve to 50G PON. The 49th Optical Networking and Communications Symposium and Expo (OFC 2024) will be held from March 26 to 28, 2024 at the San Diego Convention Center, California, USA. The company will bring 10G PON OLT, 25G PON OLT, 50G PON OLT three-mode, 400G ER4 TOSA & ROSA, 800G DR8 optical module and a full range of AOC optical module solutions to the exhibition, welcome to visit the #3841 booth. About Sunstar Founded in 2001, Sunstar Communication Technology Co.,Ltd. focuses on the design, development, manufacturing, sales and technical support services of Optical Transceiver (OSA). After 20 years of technology accumulation and development, the formation of optical path, mechanical structure, high frequency simulation, thermal simulation, circuit, FPC soft board, IT software automation and other core technology design platform, and with precision machining, passive components, SMT, TO-CAN, OSA optical devices, COB, BOX, optical module the whole industry chain production and manufacturing capabilities. The company operates in China, North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia, and is also a subsidiary of the world's leading provider of optical fiber, cable and integrated solutions,YOFC Optical Fiber and Cable Co., LTD. - OFC2024 | Sunstar sincerely invites you to visit #3841 for negotiation and guidance 03-22
- Sunstar Combo 50G & XGS & GPON OLT QSFP-DD light module won the 2023 ICC "Excellent Technology Award" 01-10
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